One Page Checkout for IntRE “Luxe” version

If an eligible item that you’ve bought online doesn’t arrive, or doesn’t match the seller’s description, PayPal’s Buyer Protection may reimburse you for the full amount of the item plus postage. Buyer Protection can cover your eligible online purchases, on eBay or on any other website, when you use PayPal. Conditions apply.

More about Buyer Protection.

Subscription for IntRE “Luxe” version includes:

Market Report – statistics for 140 cities; 140 cities detailed description;
MLS Search for your IntRE website; Searches per day: unlimited;
20 minutes refresh period; 5Gb hosting;
60,000+ listings available; IntRE plugin free updates;
E-mail service; Free technical support.
See Live Samples!

Just Click on Any Image

Get your complete website up and running in 24-hours!
Point, click, order, done!
You’ll be in business tomorrow!


Purchase: $89.90 AND $19.90 Monthly recurring payment

It includes:

– 300+ preinstalled pages with detailed cities description;
– IntRE CRM;
– Southern California MLS Search for your IntRE website;
– Searches per day: unlimited;
– Market Report – statistics for 140 cities (works with subscription only);
– 20 minutes refresh period;
– 60,000+ listings available;
– 5Gb hosting;
– IntRE plugin free updates;
– E-mail service;
– Free technical support.

IntRE Light real estate website for California

IntRE “Luxe” Website

One time payment

Your e-mail:
Your phone number:

Subscription fee

Monthly recurring payment

Your website URL:
Your phone number:

Rent: $39.90 – all included

IntRE “Luxe” version includes:

– 300+ preinstalled pages with detailed cities description;
– IntRE CRM;
– Southern California MLS Search for your IntRE website;
– Searches per day: unlimited;
– Market Report – statistics for 140 cities;
– 20 minutes refresh period;
– 60,000+ listings available;
– 5Gb hosting;
– IntRE plugin free updates;
– E-mail service;
– Free technical support.

Monthly payment

You can cancel it any time

Choose your domain

You don’t have any risk!

Price $89.90 includes:

  • Installation of your website on your domain 24 hrs after receiving your payments and application on line.
  • Mobile version (iPhone, iPad, Android) included;
  • Includes over300 pages in Google Index;
  • Includes 140 cities with detailed description;
  • MLS search through IDX included (works with subscription only);
  • Market Report – Detailed statistics for 140 cities (works with subscription only);
  • IDX synchronization with the MLS database every 20 minutes;
  • 5 Gb free hosting included;
  • Regular IntRE plugin updates;

We will also personalize your website, by installing the following:

  • Choose the color scheme for your website;
  • Your contact information (email, phone number);
  • Your license number;
  • Your headshot (if desired);
  • Your Brokers logo;
  • Your Broker’s address;
  • We personalize your homepage with an image or video (we have few to choose from);
  • We install an online chat installation (upon request).
Do you want to get your own website in 24h? Buy now!

Website Application

Please fill out the form below after your payment.

Please fill out the form and attach your personal image (600 pix width minimum) and your logo in *.PNG format with transparent background. Don’t have a logo? – we’ll make it for you for free.
We’ll install your website during 24 hours after the Application and payment receiving.
Any questions? – Feel free contact us via email or online chat.

IntRE Team
Europos Prekybos Tinklas, IĮ – Official vendor of CRMLS

You have to fill out the form below and send us with attached your personal image

    8. You have to change (A) record “Host” (“@”) for your domain name to:
    CName record «www» must be set as «@»

    18. Please attach your personal image (if any)

    19. Please attach your logo in PNG format with transparent background (if any)

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